Яріш Ю.Р.
викладач англійської мови
The questions to the first grade
- What river does London stand on?
- What is the America’s symbol of Freedom?
- What is “Penny Black”?
- How old is London?
- Who is the head of the state in Great Britain
- Whose portraits are printed on American dollars?
- What kind of weather is the most common in GB?
- At first Native Americans were called…
- Name any national English game
- What animal is the symbol of the English strength and power
The questions to the second grade
- Who was the first American president?
- How many countries does the UK consist of?
- Where does the monarch of the UK live?
- What is the flag of the USA called?
- Who are “Beefeaters”?
- Who is the head of the state and government of the USA?
- What river is the capital of the USA situated on?
- How many states are there in the USA?
- When is the Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
Do you know these famous people and their professions?
- Tchaikovsky was a …
- Charlie Chaplin was a …
- Lewis Carrol was a …
- Michelangelo was a …
- Gagarin was a …
- Archimedes was a …
- Cleopatra was a …
- George Washington was a …
- The Beatles was a …
- Ivan IV (the Terrible) was a …